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Leave Type

Leave Type page displays a list of leave types which an employee can apply. You can filter the list on the basis of leave code, description, carry forward, cashable, is half day and leave category.

How to create a leave type?

1. Click + icon on the top right. Following page will open where a list of attributes that can be associated to a leave type are displayed.

Field Level Description

Leave Category list of pre populated leave categories. The options available are Periodic_Leave, EffortBased_Leave and EventBased_Leave. You can choose one. Configuration of leave categories is outside the scope of this application.

E.g. one casual leave earned after a period of one month falls under the category of Periodic_Leave, compensatory off for working over time falls under the category of EffortBased_Leave and one leave in lieu of employee's birthday falls under the category of EventBased_Leave.

Leave Code

code of leave. It is the short form of leave type.

E.g. CL for Casual Leave


gender of the employee, leave type is applicable for.

E.g. Maternity Leave is for females only.

Label label of leave type.
Max Leave maximum number of leaves that can be taken for leave type.
Min Leave minimum number of leaves that can be taken for leave type.
Description description of leave type.
Leave Message this will be displayed as soon as employee selects leave type.
Balance Check

number of balance leaves.

E.g. If max number of leaves is 10 and balance check is 1, then user is entitled to take 9 leaves only.

Allowed During Notice Period number of leaves allowed during notice period.
Can Carry Forward can be either checked or unchecked. Indicates whether leave can be carried forward to next financial year or not.
Carry Forward Utilization Mandatory can be either checked or unchecked. Indicates whether the utilization of carried forward leave is mandatory or not.
Is Cashable can be either checked or unchecked. Indicates whether leave can be encashed or not.
Is Half Day can be either checked or unchecked. Indicates whether half day leave is allowed or not.
Active can be either checked or unchecked. Indicates whether the leave type is visible or not in Alt Worklife.
Quota Editable can be either checked or unchecked. Indicates whether the leave quota is editable or not.
Quota Viewable can be either checked or unchecked. Indicates whether the leave quota is viewable or not.
Holiday Included can be either checked or unchecked. Indicates whether holidays can be included or not for the leave applied.
Auto Approval can be either checked or unchecked. Indicates whether the leave can be automatically approved after a number of days if manager hasen't approved it.
Allow for Next Year

can be either checked or unchecked. Indicates whether leave can be applied for next year or not.

E.g. If current year is 2016, then employee will be able to apply leave for the next year 2017.

Upload file Mandatory

can be either checked or unchecked. Indicates whether uploading supporting document is mandatory or not.

E.g. If an employee has applied for Sick Leave, then it will be mandatory to upload medical certificate.

Min Days visible when above field is selected. Minimum number of days after which uploading supporting document is mandatory.
Is Negative Allowed can be either checked or unchecked. Indicates whether negative leaves can be taken or not.
Leave Type as Attendance Status can be either checked or unchecked. Indicates whether marking leave type in attendance instead of A (Absent) is allowed or not.
Quota Addition can be either checked or unchecked. Indicates whether leave quota for leave type can be increased or not every month.
Employee Initiated Negative Leave Balance Allowed can be either checked or unchecked. Indicates whether an employee can take negative leaves or not.
Manager Initiated Negative Leave Balance can be either checked or unchecked. Indicates whether manager is eligible to apply for negative leaves on behalf of employee or not.
Is 15 Day

can be either checked or unchecked. Indicates whether leave can be taken or not for remaining number of days in a month defined in EntitlementDay config parameter rule.

E.g. Suppose employee is entitled for 2 days’ leaves every month. If Entitlement Day has date 20th and Entitlement Percentage field has value 50%, then employee will be entitled for 2 days of leave if employee’s DOJ is before 20th and 1 day of leave if employee’s DOJ is on or after 20th.

Entitlement Percentage visible when above field is selected. Percentage of leave type earned in a month.
EDOD can be either checked or unchecked. Indicates whether estimated days of delivery are allowed or not.

visible when above field is selected. Estimated Days Of Delivery.

E.g. For maternity leave.

Week_Off Included can be either checked or unchecked. Indicates whether weekly offs are included in the leave or not.
Prefix/Suffix Week Off visible when above field is selected. Can be either checked or unchecked. Indicates whether a weekly off which falls one day before or after the day/s leave has been applied for and included in the leave is considered or not.

2. Enter the required information.

3. Click Save button. A new leave type will be created and added to leave types list.

Impact in Alt Worklife

Leave Type will be displayed as a drop down in LEAVE REQUEST section under Leave > New Leave. While applying for a leave when you select Leave Type from the drop down all the associated attributes will work as validations and will direct the user the enter information within defined parameters.